Contact Us

If you have a question or would like to learn more about Flagstaff Hill Primary School, we welcome you to call, email or visit us.

Address: 145 Black Road, Flagstaff Hill SA 5159

Phone: 08 8270 1744

OSHC: 08 8358 6666

Fax: 08 8370 5748

Parents can communicate student absences/late arrival/early departure in the following ways:



Phone: 8270 1744 Select 1 Student absences (leave a voicemail which will come through to Front office email)


Email teacher (please ‘cc’ student absences to ensure the information is received in the case of a teacher’s absence)

Return SMS to ‘unexplained absence’ SMS received

Please Note: We have discontinued using the previous text message system as we updated to a new school system and a new phone system towards the end of 2023.

Late arrival - student collects a Welcome card from the office, student will then be signed as 'present'.

Early departure - please collect your child from the office, student will then be marked 'absent' for part day.

Unknown absences - a text will be sent to families if your child is absent and the school has not been contacted. We ask that you respond to this message as soon as you are able to do so.

Page last edited: June 14, 2024