
Days and Times of Operation

The school's canteen is open Monday through to Friday, opening at 8:30 am.


Please download the QKR app to volunteer in the canteen. QKR canteen volunteer form instructions can be found here.


Canteen Menu 2025 Term 1

Late Orders

Students who bring up their lunch orders or the class box after 10:00 am will be offered a sandwich, as there is not enough time to heat the food to the correct temperature.

Emergency Lunch

After a call has been made home to check if anyone is there to bring the lunch up to school; students without lunch will be offered an emergency lunch and fruit for recess and invoiced accordingly.

Insufficient Funds

If insufficient money is included in the bag for a lunch order, then an alternative will be offered. No credit is allowed.

Placing Orders

When placing an order for the canteen, please ensure you use the brown paper bags (which can be purchased from the canteen or from the supermarket) and ensure the following information is recorded:

  • student’s name
  • teacher’s name
  • total funds enclosed in the bag (correct money would be greatly appreciated)
  • if the money enclosed is for more than one student at the school, please list all of the student’s names and the teachers names on all of the bags.

Order On-Line

You can now order your lunch on-line using Qkr. For details about using the Qkr App download the information sheet here.

Some commonly asked questions about Qkr:

Can I add multiple payment cards?

Can two parents set up an account for the same student?

How are Qkr refunds processed?

How can I be sure my child's food order has been received by the school?

How can I keep track of my Qkr payments?

How do I add or delete payment cards?

How do I add or update a photo of my child on the Qkr app?

How do I cancel food orders that have already been paid for?

How do I complete my payment after submitting a form?

How do I use the calendar display when placing food orders?

Should I log out from the Qkr app for security?

Helpful hints

Please do not place canteen orders in envelopes or plastic bags.

If the money is placed in one of the bottom corners of the bag and you fold it over a couple of times the money won't fall out.

The school Canteen Policy can be found under Policies on our website.

009 A0867

Page last edited: January 27, 2025