Dress Code

Dress Code

  • Clothing worn will be in the school colours of green and gold. Plain black pants are acceptable with minimal logos.
  • Clothing must be sun-safe
  • Clothing must be safe and appropriate for all school-based activities
  • Closed in shoes must be worn in the gully
  • Minimal jewellery that will not impact school activities or is unsafe e.g. dangly earrings or necklaces over clothing
  • Year 6 students will have the option of buying a school-designed year 6 jumper and/or shirt which can form part of their uniform during their final year at FHPS

Students should be in sun safe and appropriate clothing that allows them to successfully access all school activities (including sport and fitness) and ensures that they are identifiable as belonging to Flagstaff Hill Primary School. Examples of items that do not align with this are:

  • Tank-tops or tops with shoe-string straps
  • Thongs, slip-on or backless shoes
  • After-school sports clothing, including sport clubs or SAPSASA
  • Baseball caps

Parents/caregivers will be contacted if staff have concerns regarding student’s clothing. A student may be asked to remove an unsafe accessory by Leadership.


For safety reasons, students must be in school uniform to attend an excursion, unless an exemption has been granted or other clothing is required (e.g. swimming or aquatics)


Parents wishing to seek exemption from their child/ren wearing school uniform may do so by requesting an exemption in writing to the Principal. A note written by a parent does not indicate that an exemption has been granted. Exemption may be granted on the following grounds:

  • Religious/ cultural beliefs
  • itinerant students
  • medical or disability reasons

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Campus School and College Wear provide our uniforms (no uniform shop on site) and they can be ordered either over the phone on 8346 0830, by visiting their website campusschoolwear.com.au or by contacting them via email at sales@campusschoolwear.com.au Uniforms can be posted to your home address for a small cost or collected from the front office.


A second-hand uniform shop located in the Family & Friends room in the Hakea unit offers a range of pre-loved uniform items in great condition for just $5 each. The shop is open:

  • Monday: 8:30 am to 9:15 am
  • Thursday: 2:45 pm to 3:30 pm


Donations of clean and cared for, pre-loved uniform items can be left at the second-hand uniform shop during the above opening hours, at the Front Office or at OSHC.

All monies raised from the uniform shop are collected and passed back to the school for new resources and/or equipment.

For any assistance with donations or any enquiries, please email our Family & Friends Committee at flaggypandf@gmail.com

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Uniform Requirements

Hats are compulsory for all students participating in outdoor play during terms 1 and 4 which is in line with the school Sun Smart policy. No hat, no play in the sun.

Year 6 students have the privilege of wearing an exclusive polo top/jumper during their final year at Flagstaff Hill Primary School.

Unacceptable Clothing Styles or Accessories

Items that are deemed by the school to be inappropriate (in relation to safety, suitability for school activities and exposure to the sun) include:

  • baseball caps
  • netball skirts
  • leggings
  • clothing with recognised commercial brand name logos
  • tank tops or shoe string strap shirts
  • ugg boots, thongs, fashion sandals, slip on or backless shoes
  • fashion jewellery and accessories
  • nail polish and make up (students could be asked to remove or wash off any make up at school)


Parents wishing to seek exemption from their child/ren wearing school uniform may do so by requesting an exemption in writing to the Principal. A note written by a parent does not indicate that an exemption has been granted. Exemption may be granted on the following grounds:

  • religious/beliefs
  • cultural or ethnic
  • new student
  • itinerant students
  • genuine medical or family sickness reasons


Classroom teachers will monitor students’ compliance with the uniform policy, ongoing. Students who do not comply will have a note placed in their diary to be signed by the parent/caregiver and a copy of the current school uniform policy will be enclosed.

If a student continues to fail to wear their school uniform after notes have been sent home, a meeting will be made with the parent/caregiver and the Principal or a Senior staff member to resolve any religious, medical or financial issue preventing the student from wearing the uniform.

Students who do not wear the school uniform will not be able to participate at any out of school activity including camps and excursions or represent the school officially at activities such as SAPSASA etc.

Page last edited: May 22, 2024