Feedback & Suggestions

We expect quality teaching, resources and facilities for every student in order that they may achieve their full potential. Working together will give us the best chance of supporting the student during their time at Flagstaff Hill Primary School and we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

We also recognise that at times, unexpected issues can arise.

If you have a concern, we welcome you to:

  • Firstly, speak with the person concerned and every effort will be made to resolve matters raised where possible
  • If after a reasonable period of time you are not satisfied that your concern has been addressed you can contact the school with your details and your concern and a member of the leadership team will contact you within 48 hours to follow up. You can either call the front office with this information or send it to the school email address
  • Note that it is at this point where the concern will be treated as a formal complaint and as such be recorded in accordance with Department for Education procedures. Please complete the Site Complaint Record and return to the Front Office
  • If you are not satisfied that your complaint has been addressed at the local level, you can get help from the Customer Feedback Unit (1800 677 435)

Raising a complaint with department for education

Page last edited: February 3, 2025