Reception Transition

Flagstaff Hill Primary School maintains a strong sense of community through partnerships with our two neighbouring kindergartens. We also welcome students from many other kindergartens in our area. We believe that these partnerships play a large part in the effectiveness of our transition program. A positive transition from kindergarten to school is integral in establishing the path for a successful first year at school.

In South Australia:

A child who turns 5 years of age before 1 May can start primary school at the beginning of the year. A child who turns 5 years of age on or after 1 May can start primary school in the mid-year intake.

A child must be enrolled at a school by their sixth birthday. It's recommended a child who will turn 6 years of age during the school year start school on the first day of term 1 of that school year.


Transition Program

There are generally three transition visits before students commence their Reception time at School. These would normally occur in the November prior to the following school year.

Follow this link to view term dates for South Australian state schools:

Term dates

Children who attend our two local Kindergartens, Flagstaff Hill and Flagstaff Oval, often have the chance to visit the school to enjoy our Library or play spaces, or to take part in special events such as Book Week or Sports Day.

Local Kindergartens

Flagstaff Hill Kindergarten

15 Renwick Street
Flagstaff Hill
SA 5159
Tel: (08) 8270 1268

Flagstaff Oval Kindergarten

York Drive
Flagstaff Hill
SA 5159
Tel: (08) 8270 5135

Page last edited: June 14, 2024